Guests are always welcome at Webster United Methodist and children are encouraged to participate in the group activities on their first visit. Parents also are welcome to visit any of the children’s programs.
All of our Children’s Ministry volunteers and leaders are certified in the Safe Sanctuaries policies and guidelines adopted by the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church and undergo regular background checks through the state of Missouri.
If you have any questions about your child’s safety in church-related activities, contact Lindsey Cosentino, Director of Children’s Ministries, 314-961-4133, [email protected].
9 a.m.-Noon, Sundays
Ages six weeks to five years old
Infants and toddlers learn through playing, jumping, dancing and singing in a fun and safe atmosphere, or they can take a nap, all while their parents enjoy a peaceful worship service. As you enter the church, ask a member for directions to the nursery, located on the lower level. Parents can feel secure knowing that their little ones are just a phone call away.
10:45-11:30 a.m., Sundays
Ages 4 through fifth grade
Children join their parents to begin the worship service in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and then are invited to head downstairs for a fun-filled hour of learning called “Deep Blue,” which helps children incorporate Bible stories, characters and passages into their lives. Activities include arts and crafts, science projects, animated video storytelling, and active games as part of a lived-faith experience.
- Every first Sunday of the month, children return to the sanctuary at the end of the service to participate in Holy Communion with their faith family.
- Every fourth Sunday of the month, children remain in the sanctuary for the youth-led service.
5:30-7 p.m., 2nd Wednesday of the month
Ages four to 12
Join us on Wild Wednesday as we learn about God’s wild world! We’re wild about topics such as music, art, cooking, birds, pets, science and even bike safety. This free program is fun and enriching and includes dinner. Registration is required at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wild-wednesday-registration-15608592721. Please register early so we can get an accurate count for food and supplies.
From summer enrichment programs to mission opportunities to parenting and family events, we are never that far away from fun and enriching special events! Most of our ongoing events are excellent opportunities to invite a friend along. For more information on our next upcoming event, like our Facebook Facebook.com/WebsterUnitedMethodist page or sign up for regular newsletter updates.

9-10 a.m., Sundays
Grades 7-12
Youth worship opportunities revolve around games, service projects, fun excursions and talking about faith and almost anything affecting the lives of today’s teens.
10:30-11:30 a.m., on the fourth Sunday every month
Grades 7-12
Do you like to sing, play an instrument or enjoy public speaking? Once a month, youth in the Korah Worship and Praise Band lead the congregation in prayer, music and worship. Share your talents in this unique and joy-filled worship experience.
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., every Sunday, sanctuary
Grades 7-12
Practice for Step Out Sunday; bring your instruments and music. Afterward we’ll walk to a local diner for lunch.
6:30-8 p.m., Mondays
Grades 7-12
We celebrate and learn more about our faith and how to incorporate it into our everyday lives.
Parents take vows for their babies and children upon baptism. Confirmation is a program of study and spiritual discovery for children typically between sixth and eighth grade. The experience culminates in the opportunity for these young people to make their own vows of faith in worship
Contact: Phillip Harris, [email protected]
Church office: 314-961-4133, [email protected]

Sunday Morning Learning Classes (6 Adult Classes) 9am.
The Discovery Class is committed to discovering spirituality in all of its forms. We are open to learning about and exploring different paths to a connection with God, which include Christianity, Judaism, Islam and many other faiths. We generally use a book to guide our discussions, but also include newspaper articles, information that attendees have discovered, and anything that we feel would be useful in our journey to understand the mystery. We have open discussions, questions are encouraged, and every opinion has value. There is no leader in this class. We decide as a group which direction we would like to take. Anyone is welcome to attend at any time. Discovery meets in the Education Building, northwest corner, top floor.
Contact: Linda Shantz, [email protected]
Adult Bible Study Class: we read and discuss the Bible using study Bibles to learn, in hopes of getting a better understanding of God’s Word. Meets in the George Stephens Room.
Contact: Gordon Shull, [email protected]
Sandwich Generation: An informal group of parents, grandparents and those with aging parents who provide support to each other. Meets in the church library, on the left as you exit the Narthex to the educational building.
Contact: Louise Thomas, [email protected]
The Space Class: SPACEis a group of 30-40 somethings (give or take) interested in learning and discussion about God, life and the Universe. We meet Sunday at 9 a.m. next to the second-floor elevator.
Why SPACE? Because we want to make space in our hearts for God. We want to make space in our lives to show others God’s love. We want to make space to discuss the problems and questions we have. Also, Space is really cool.
Contact: Jesse Hebisen, [email protected]
Methodist 101 is part of our Bible Studies, Pathways to Discipleship, a pastor-led class for new members?
Contact: Church office, 314-961-4133, [email protected]
The Seekers is a small group of mature Christians who continue to seek God’s message in today’s environment. We alternate Bible study with more contemporary study options, such as J. Ellsworth Kalas’s Detective Stories from the Bible. Advance preparation is not required to attend the Seekers—we read in class, stop whenever something grabs us, search for parallels from our readings into today’s headlines, and generally try to make sense of life in today’s challenging climate. Some of us see the world slightly differently than others, so discussions can be lively, entertaining and always enlightening.
Contact: Deane Looney, [email protected]
Pop-Up Classes are scheduled periodically for all church education.
Contact: Church office, 314-961-4133, [email protected]