Midwest Mission
What is Midwest Mission?
It is a United Methodist-affiliated disaster relief facility providing disaster relief kits, school desks, educational & medical supplies, etc., locally, nationally, and internationally.
As an example of the reach of Midwest Mission, in 2022, $7.99 million of supplies were sent in 299 domestic and 48 international shipments. Supplies were prayed over multiple times while packed and prayer cards were inserted in each kit. These resources gave hope and empowerment to those who received them. Learn More ==>
What work will we do?
There is something for every ability—-packing kits, sewing school bags, building & refinishing school desks, repairing bicycles and sewing machines, organizing materials, unloading items, filling shipping containers, etc. (sitdown jobs are always available).
Where do we stay?
There is on an onsite dormitory that has multiple 2-4 person bedrooms (we use only lower bunks, 2 to a room) as well as a spacious living room/dining area and a large, well-equipped kitchen.
Cost will be determined by the number of people going, but it is relatively small because we will be staying in the dormitory and will be preparing our own food in the kitchen. There will be minimal expenses for food, some supplies and & gas. Financial aid is available if needed.
If you are interested in joining the team, contact Jan McCurley: email – [email protected], no later than March 1.