Come as a guest. Leave as family. We are a vibrant and inclusive church with a compelling mission to spread love, justice and hope in the world. Wherever your faith journey is heading, you will find others here on a similar path. If you have questions that we haven’t answered, please don’t hesitate to give us a call, send an email, or visit our Facebook page.

I’m New Here
Office: 314-961-4133
600 N. Bompart Ave., Webster Groves 63119 Please join our church family for our weekly Sunday schedule.
- 9 a.m., Learning time for Youth & Adults; Discovery Room for children ages 4-11; nursery open for infants and children to age 5
- 10 a.m., Fellowship with coffee and donuts!
- 10:30 a.m., Worship Service (Children’s learning time)

“All Are Welcome”
We welcome into the full life of our church, people of every race, ethnicity, social or economic status, age, faith history, physical or mental ability, family configuration, sexual orientation and gender identity. We are a reconciling congregation that welcomes and affirms LGBTQ+ persons believing that all people deserve full inclusion in every aspect of church life. We believe that through diversity, our community of faith will flourish as we commit ourselves to spread love, justice and hope in the world.
LGBTQ+: We welcome our gay, lesbian, transgendered brothers and sisters in our community. We love you and accept your sexuality just the way God has created you. It is to say: your sexuality is not a sin, but rather a precious gift, and it is only one part of all that is you.
Our key scripture is from Paul, who described what happens upon our baptism, when we spiritually take on the robe of Christ. No matter how we differ, (Paul cited Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female— all pretty significant differences in the Roman world) upon our baptism, we become One in Christ.
“It was with the deepest pride and fullness of heart that I witnessed the vote at our Church Conference to become a reconciling congregation and to adopt a welcoming statement that would reach out to all that they might find among us in the Body of Christ. In our statement we are proclaiming that this church will be a safe place to live out everyone’s faith; that this church will clap for all anniversaries and celebrate life transitions; that this church will love everyone and nurture all in the faith, even as we depend on the faithfulness to love us back. This strengthened our resolve to open our doors to all people, believing that everyone deserves full inclusion in the life of the church, specifically to be ordained as clergy and to marry the person they love.
Together, we will be whole, representing better the brilliance of God’s diversity, in a way that separately, we just could not.”

Learning Hour 9-10 a.m.
Sunday classes are offered to fit multiple age and interest groups. Find one that best suits your needs HERE.
Sunday Fellowship 10-10:25 a.m.
Get to know us after our learning hour and before the worship service. Join us for coffee, hot chocolate and donuts and other lights snacks in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level.
Worship Service 10:30-11:30 a.m.
After fellowship, we gather for worship in the sanctuary, located on the second level. Through prayer, music and sermon, we enjoy the gospel message of Jesus and explore ways to connect with the community and be of service to the world.

On the first Sunday of each month we gather at Christ’s Table of Grace to share in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. As a United Methodist Congregation, we invite all worshippers to partake in the Sacrament, including guests.

As one of the two sacraments of the church, we believe that baptism is an outward sign of an inward reality. Through baptism, we celebrate that God has loved us and claimed us as we were being formed in our mothers’ wombs. Baptism is also our initiation into the Body of Christ, the church. Because we believe in God’s grace that goes before we understand it, United Methodists baptize persons of all ages.

Children are always welcome in worship. However, we sponsor an excellent nursery program to keep children occupied during the service and give parents a more relaxing worship experience.
Noah’s Nursery is located on the lower level for infants and toddlers. Children ages six weeks to five years old can learn through playing, jumping, dancing and singing in a fun and safe atmosphere, led by loving volunteers, or they can take a nap, if needed. As you enter the church, ask a member to take you to the nursery. Parents can feel secure knowing that their little ones are just a phone call away.

Living Stones Children’s Ministry is an educational program for children and preteens ages four though the fifth grade. Children join their parents to begin the worship service in the sanctuary, and then are invited to head downstairs for a fun-filled hour of learning called Deep Blue, which helps children incorporate Bible stories, characters and passages into their lives. Activities include arts and crafts, science projects, animated video storytelling, and active games as part of a lived-faith experience. Living Stones Classes are held through the school year. During the summer months, we hold a less formal class during Discovery Room hour from 9 to 10am on Sunday mornings.
Every first Sunday of the month, children return to sanctuary after class to participate in Holy Communion with their faith family. Every fourth Sunday of the month, children remain in the sanctuary for the SOS, our youth-led service.

Step Out Sunday (SOS)
Do you like to sing, play an instrument or enjoy public speaking? Once a month, youth in the Korah Worship and Praise Band lead the congregation in prayer, music and worship. Share your talents in this unique and joy-filled worship experience. Rehearsals on Sundays after worship.

Webster United Methodist is fully ADA accessible with elevator access to all three levels. Use the glass entrance next to the ADA parking spaces on the southeast corner of the parking lot to access the elevator. Our accessible restroom is located on the lower level.

We are more interested in your comfort in worship than fashion. So if you prefer a suit and tie, slacks or shorts, or jeans and t-shirt, you will find other members wearing the same.

Your family, your friends, yourself! We have Bibles in the pews and we invite you to take a Bible from the Narthex/Lobby by the front door.

We promise not to show up at your house unannounced. However, we will send you a welcoming letter and more information about Webster United Methodist. We appreciate your visit and would like to know how better to serve you in your journey.

Guests are not expected to tithe or give an offering. The offerings we receive from our regular church family allow us to pay our staff, keep the lights on and perform ministries locally and abroad. However, if you feel compelled to give on your Sunday visit, please do so with our appreciation. Donations may also be made at:

Parking is available on a lot on the north side of the church. Enter from Greeley Avenue. You may also park on the street across from the church on North Bompart Avenue, or adjacent to the church on Fairview Avenue.